dzug organize 2016 employees "happy and healthy walk"-ayx爱游戏官网注册

 dzug organize 2016 employees "happy and healthy walk"-ayx爱游戏官网注册
dzug organize 2016 employees "happy and healthy walk"

on may 22, 2016, in order to explore the potential of employees better and enhance team cohesiveness, increase employee participation and responsibility, the company organized the team-building activity of 2016 dzug "happy and healthy walk" in the century park, and all levels of managers and expatriate managers participated in the activity.

in the morning, the employees of dzug arrived at the meeting place of the century park on time,and started the one-day team activity under the guidance of the coach. after the leading-link of ice-breaking, warm-up, forming team, followed by team building, naming the team, painting team flags, singing team songs, the communication barrier of the team were broke quickly, to achieve warm team atmosphere. during the link of walking around the central park, the score of the last-arrival team member determined whether the team would succeed or fail, thus motivating each team member to do their best, making them realize better that most of the time, the competitiveness of the team lied in their weakness rather than advantages. 

after the midday rest, the passion of employees was even stronger than the increasingly stronger sunlight.traditional finger-guessing game and calligraphy were made more interesting by the coach, and the "traffic jam", "a magic paint brush" and other game links enhanced the difficulty of the activity, as well as having instructive sense. when the four teams were absorbed in writing "dzug" on the lawn,the atmosphere of the team-building activity reached its peak.

the team-building activity ended in the happy laughter and cheerful voices where group photo of prize presentation was taken. employees said that this activity enriched the amateur life, and also cultivated the spirit of teamwork further, strengthened communication and cooperation between employees, and enhanced the acceptance and understanding of the big family of enterprise, and make them work more passionately. the ways to solve and analyze the problem, communicate, and cooperate with each other they learned in the activity would be helpful for the future development of the individual, so as to promote enterprise development.
